January 2015 Newsletter

We have said farewell to 2014- and what a year it was. We saw Republicans take the Senate for a complete Congressional majority for the first time in 20 years. Perhaps we may now take some comfort that in 2015 some level of sanity will be visited upon the halls of Congress. Let us hope that 2015 lives up to potential for real change in Washington. In 2014 we also elected a new HCRP Chair with the hope that Paul Simpson would...
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November 2014 Newsletter

By the time this newsletter makes it to press, the 2014 Mid-Term elections will be behind us. As I sit and write this, I can only hope that all of our hard work has cemented some critical elections. The only thing that I am sure of is that we will elect a lot of politicians and if we are very lucky, even a few statesmen. UPDATE: Voters have spoken! We won! The difference between a politician and a statesman has been...
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October 2014 Newsletter

Village started off this month with a real “bang”… our “Shooting for Victory” fundraiser was a real success with great weather, great participants and it raised great funds for our campaign coffers. It could not have been the success that it was but for the outstanding energy and leadership of our 3rd Vice President – Ways and Means: the incomparable Buffie Ingersoll. She and her event committee did an outstanding job of taking care of all of the details in pulling...
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September 2014 Newsletter

I do hope everyone had a restful summer and that you are reinvigorated and ready to get to work for November. There is much to do, both in Texas and nationally, to reverse the course of destruction upon which the current administration is set. We can all rest in December. But do not, for a moment, think that taking control of the Senate means our job is over; indeed it is just the beginning. We will blink and find ourselves in...
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May 2014 Newsletter

The History of Time… or How Conservatives Came to Be Once upon a time, millions of years ago, humans existed in small pods of nomadic hunter-gatherers.  They wandered the land following food and good weather. Until, one day, some of the women folk went out in search of something a little lighter to eat than the hairy boar that always seemed to end up in the fire at the end of the day.  Lo and behold, they discovered grapes. This discovery led to...
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April 2014 Newsletter

A strange thing happened to me last week while in a cab. I was fighting waves of nausea as I listened to the DC drivel that was emanating from the cab’s speakers… complete garbage about that tired, yet somehow still effective, lie that Obama keeps spewing about “income equality”. I looked out the window in time to notice we were near the Lincoln Memorial and I remembered his famous words about a house that is divided against itself...
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Events & Meetings

VRW Meeting – February 26, 2025

February 26
Houston 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m Houston Racquet Club More Info

VRW Meeting – March 26, 2025

March 26
Houston 11:00-1:00 Houston Racquet Club More Info