February 2014 Newsletter

We are just weeks away from the Primary election, and only days away from the start of early voting.  By now your mailboxes are being flooded with political mailers, pieces that are designed to look like mail ballots and slate endorsements disguised as magazines or other non-political literature. Remember our mantra:  Get Informed. Get Involved. Let me add: Be discriminating. Your vote is valuable; be discriminating if you consider using someone else’s guide when you go into the voting booth.  It is well...
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January 2014 Newsletter

Welcome to 2014; new year, fresh start. However I cannot begin this year without taking a moment to express my greatest appreciation and admiration for the phenomenal work that was done over the last two years by all of the officers and chairwomen of our club. The women of Village have done an incredible job during some of the most politically trying times ever and, perhaps most importantly, have left many a lasting legacy. None more so than our immediate Past...
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November 2013 Newsletter

This will be the last Newsletter from the VRW 2012-2013 Board. I just want to say it has been a pleasure and an honor to be your President these last two years. I think our club has weathered remarkably well under these horrible political conditions. But I believe that challenges can make us stronger. I hope I have injected a little fun and humor in our meetings and events to counter the frustration. I I am looking forward to following Theresa...
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October 2013 Newsletter

I hope you all had a great summer and you are ready to jump back into the battle with both feet! VRW started this fall off with a super successful fundraiser, Sept 7th at Lakeside Country Club. We took in over $65,000! It was a sellout crowd and Attorney General Abbott was a big hit! He was having so much fun he stayed till the end. Thanks to the leadership and hard work of Nancy Scott on finances, reservations and registration;...
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May 2013 Newsletter

Last month I mentioned the “Turn Texas Blue” campaign that the Democrats have begun. They have sent 250 out-of-state-aliens to invade our County. But Beverly Roberts shared a blog with me that is so positive I have to pass it along! Republican House members raised more than 17 times as much campaign contributions from the greater Houston area as Democrats. Federal Elections Commission reports show that Republicans raised nearly $387,000 from the Houston area during January to March period. Democrats...
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April 2013 Newsletter

Spring has sprung, and the “donkeys” are busy as bees! The Democrat Party has named the State of Texas as their first priority to turn BLUE! Not only that, Harris county is their target to start their drive. They are pouring millions into this effort, and their boots are on our ground. Ladies and Gentlemen we are living in Ground Zero! We must get our house in order. I, for one, am very excited about the young, up and coming party...
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Events & Meetings

VRW January Meeting 2025

January 22
Houston 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m Houston Racquet Club More Info