VRW NOVEMBER 2022 Newsletter

It’s one week until Nov. 8, Election Day. I encourage each and every one of you to do all you can to help elect our Republican candidates. Volunteer to stand with them at the polls. You can make phone calls, send postcards, and block walk. We need all hands on deck to get our candidates elected. I’d also like to thank the following donors for their generous contributions to the Judicial Billboard Initiative. Their donations helped kick off the unprecedented...
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VRW October 2022 Newsletter

We are one month away until Election Day. Village Republican Women have been busy since January getting members educated about the many candidate races. Our members have spent thousands of hours block walking, organizing meet and greets as well as phone banking. VRW has educated the membership through many candidate forums, political education programs, and political boot camps.
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VRW September 2022 Newsletter

Summer is over and it’s time to focus on the November election. Our goal is to Win Every Race on the Ballot. Early voting starts on Oct. 22nd to Nov. 4th. Election Day is on Nov. 8th. Republican women must help get our voters to the polls! So how can you get involved and make a difference?
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VRW August 2022 Newsletter

We have less than 100 days until the November election so we can bring back American exceptionalism. The Village is ready to prepare its members on how they can help bring in the Red Wave. Please sign up for our Political Bootcamp on Wednesday, August 10th. This FREE event will be held from 5:30-7 PM at the Westside Republican Headquarters. VRW members Nancy Scott, Buffie Ingersoll, and Jodie Dornak will be sharing their wealth of campaign and volunteer experience. The...
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VRW July 2022 Newsletter

On July 4th, Americans will proudly display their patriotism by wearing the traditional red, white, and blue colors found on the American flag. That is the patriotic thing to do. Patriotism should also be about supporting each other and showing up to vote for leaders who will take care of our communities.
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VRW June 2022 Newsletter

The Runoffs are over and now we must unite to elect ALL Republicans and keep Texas Red! I want to thank Punita Valambhia, Ways and Means Chair, and the many volunteers who helped make our May Mega Forum a huge success. Joanie Bain, Program Chair, and Deborah Stewart, Political Activities Chair, did an outstanding job to bring our guests information, answer their questions, and keep us on time. In case you missed the Forum, I want to share a portion...
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Events & Meetings

VRW Meeting – February 26, 2025

February 26
Houston 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m Houston Racquet Club More Info

VRW Meeting – March 26, 2025

March 26
Houston 11:00-1:00 Houston Racquet Club More Info