Village Republican Women head to Austin for Legislative Day!
Posted 2/4/2021
Village Republican Women
Resolution on Election Integrity Legislation in the 87th Session
Whereas: The integrity of the elections process is critical, now more than ever, to the
proper functioning of our Republic, State, and County, and
Whereas: The events surrounding the 2020 State and County elections have seriously
damaged the public confidence in the integrity of the election process in our State,
Whereas: During the 2020 elections and it’s aftermath loopholes in our election laws
have been identified which may permit violations of those laws without serious
consequence, and
Whereas: The Harris County Voter rolls contain errors, such as names of deceased
persons, persons who have moved, and persons with invalid addresses, and
Whereas: Scores of election bills will be introduced in the Texas House and Senate
during the 87th Legislative Session, and
Whereas: The legislation introduced has the potential to either improve or weaken
the integrity of elections in Harris County and in Texas, and
Whereas: The Texas Legislature enacted the photo voter identification law in 2011 to
help deter and detect election fraud and to improve the public’s confidence in our
elections, and
Whereas: Village Republican Women supported the Texas Federation of Republican
Women in the fight to enact the original photo voter identification law in 2011, and
Whereas: Village Republican Woman previously passed its Resolution on Voter ID
and Election Integrity Legislation in the 85th Session on March 15, 2017, therefore
Be It Resolved That: The Village Republican Women reaffirms its resolve to
strengthen election integrity laws in the State of Texas by actively supporting
legislation to strengthen election integrity and opposing legislation designed to make it
more difficult to identify and prosecute election fraud.
January 27, 2021