Village Mourns the Passing of Borah Van Dormolen


Borah Van DormolenIt is truly a sad day for anyone who knew Borah Van Dormolen.  She was a selfless leader of the Republican Party and a great Patriot of this country and state.  Borah was one of a kind, she could make us laugh when we felt like crying.  She could express everything we wanted to express but couldn’t.  She gave freely her time, energy and money to further our principals and liberties.

Borah found her calling, she was an inspiration to all and we will miss her tremendously.

Lt. Col. Borah Van Dormolen passed away Monday, March 11 after failing to recover from a serious heart attack.

The Texas Federation of Republican Women recognized her many achievements in their memorial:

After serving her country in the US Army and achieving the rank of Lt. Colonel, Borah continued to commit her life to promoting the values of liberty and freedom when others might have retired quietly. In 2010 she was honored as the “Distinguished Military Retiree” for Texas for her outstanding contributions to both active duty and retired service members and their families. She also held a gubernatorial appointment to the Texas State Cemetery Commission.

Borah was serving her second term as Republican National Committeewoman from Texas and had recently been elected to represent the Lone Star State on the Rules Committee of the RNC.  She also served as President of the Texas Federation of Republican Women, and dedicated her many talents to different board positions within the TFRW for many years.  She also served on the Executive Committee of Maggie’s List, a political action committee focused on recruiting, training and supporting women running for congressional office.  Borah was not only a servant but also a mentor for candidates and volunteers and was responsible for hosting candidate trainings across the state of Texas.  Borah has been active in hundreds of campaigns, organizing and leading volunteers in critical voter identification and Get Out the Vote efforts. Through all of her volunteer work, Borah found time to be a loving wife. She and her husband, Rich Castle, recently celebrated their 25th wedding anniversary on a cruise through the Pacific.

TFRW President and Village Republican Women member, Carolyn Hodges remembered Borah:

“TFRW mourns the passing of our dear friend and colleague, Borah Van Dormolen. Borah was an inspiration to me as I began my path as a Republican Woman. Her leadership in the Texas Federation of Republican Women was bold and decisive. Her common sense, her sense of humor, intelligence, and caring for Republicans set her apart from others. She was a dynamic and enthusiastic leader who was respected and loved across our state and nation. Borah traveled tirelessly across Texas giving her all. Everyone who met and heard Borah immediately began to share her enthusiasm and vision. Let us all carry on as Borah would want us to do and be the Republicans she would be proud of – focusing on unity.”

Village Past President Beverly Roberts with TX National Committeewoman Borah van Dormolen

Village Past President Beverly Roberts with TX National Committeewoman Borah van Dormolen


Events & Meetings

VRW Meeting – March 26, 2025

March 26
Houston 11:00-1:00 Houston Racquet Club More Info

VRW Celebration of America

May 17
Houston 6:00 - 10:00 PM Ballroom at Tanglewood More Info