October Meeting – Eric Golub


Eric GolubVillage Republican Women are pleased to welcome to our October 2014 meeting Eric Golub a/k/a the Tygrrrr Express. Eric is a Republican Comedian teaching conservatives how to use humor to beat the left at their own game.

Eric is an accomplished speaker, author and entertainer who left a successful career in the Stock Market and Oil industries in 2009 to enter the full time speaking circuit. He published his first book, Ideological Bigotry in April, 2009 with back cover endorsements from Ward Connerly and Armstrong Williams. Ideological Violence and Ideological Idiocy followed in April of 2010, with an endorsement from Fox News Military Analyst Ralph Peters. You may have heard and enjoyed his humor in one of his many radio or TV appearances across the nation. He has been a guest for Sean Hannity, Hugh Hewitt, Lars Larson, Dr. Gina Loudon, Leslie Marshall, Dennis Miller, Glenn Beck’s Blaze Radio—Chris Salcedo Show, Dr. Laurie Roth, Armstrong Williams and Larry Greenfield–Claremont Institute.

Eric has also written for the Washington Times Communities, Andrew Breitbart’s “Big Hollywood,” Tucker Carlson’s “Daily Caller,” World Net Daily, Donne Tempo Magazine,the Jewish Policy Center, and the Republican Jewish Coalition. Commentary Magazine and Pajamas Media have him on their blogroll. He has been attacked in Time Magazine and featured by Politico. Michelle Malkin’s “Hot Air” linked to that interview. Rush Limbaugh, Hugh Hewitt, Mark Steyn, Lucianne Goldberg, The Washington Times, RealClearPolitics, and Fox News Nation Online have all linked to his opinion column on occasion. But Eric has also done serious reporting, covering anti-Israel symposiums at UCLA and USC for the organization Campus Watch, run by Daniel Pipes of the Middle East Forum. Two days after his first report, one of the Islamist professors had his department shut down.

Brooklyn born and Long Island raised Eric received his B.A. from American Jewish University and his MBA in finance from the University of Southern California. He has lived in Los Angeles since 1994.

After years of dating liberals, he has finally seen the light and now only dates Republican women. His family is pleased over this.

~ Joanie Bain, Programs




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VRW September 2024 Monthly Meeting

September 25
Houston 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m Houston Racquet Club More Info