October 2019 Newsletter
The 32nd biennial Convention of TFRW was held last week at Moody Gardens to an overflow crowd as we heard fabulous speakers, such as John Solomon of Fox’s Hannity Show and attended a fiery debate between the Candidates for Chair of the State Republican Party; Col Allen West and current chair, James Dickey. We met new friends and reconnected with other friends from across the state and years past as we attended sessions, dinners, lunches, and the opening party sponsored by Gov. and Mrs. Abbott. VRW was well represented there. It was well organized by chairs, Sherry Peterson and Debbie Roan and ran smoothly! REPUBLICAN WOMEN TRULY ARE THE BACKBONE OF THE REPUBLICAN PARTY!!!! Keep up the good work.
It’s election time again! On November 5, 2019, we will go to the polls for the Joint and Special Elections. This year brings a major need for election clerks and I’m asking if you have time that day to work all day or any part of it, please let me know so I can get your name to our Election Judges. Believe it or not, even with all that goes on at the polls that day, we still manage to have some fun, so it’s not all work.
Be at our October Meeting on the 23rd to hear State Rep Jim Murphy go over the propositions that will be on the ballot in November. He will put it in language we can all understand to let us know how to vote.
On November 20 (changed due to Thanksgiving) Justice Ken Wise will give us our Veterans Day talk. This is when we will also bring our debit cards for any amount from any place to be given to Camp Hope PTSD Foundation. We did this last year and they were so happy to receive the close to $1000 we gave them to make their Christmas merry.
Don’t forget Christmas and our Club Party December 8 at Cantina Laredo, the same place we enjoyed last year. Bring teddy bears that we will donate to the Children’s Assessment Center just as we did last year to make the children’s Christmas Party happier.
Lots coming up, take advantage of any or all of it and PLEASE VOTE!!!!