October 2014 Newsletter
Village started off this month with a real “bang”… our “Shooting for Victory” fundraiser was a real success with great weather, great participants and it raised great funds for our campaign coffers.
It could not have been the success that it was but for the outstanding energy and leadership of our 3rd Vice President – Ways and Means: the incomparable Buffie Ingersoll. She and her event committee did an outstanding job of taking care of all of the details in pulling the shoot out together and we owe them a big “thank you”. And, of course, we are so grateful for the wonderful people and candidates that sponsored the Shoot Out.
For those of you who could not make the shoot out, even just to “hang out”, you missed a great time, but I know that you will be supporting our big biennial fundraiser next year. Another thing that I know is that, because Buffie will be chairing that event, too, it will be spectacular.
Why do we work so hard, and put so much on the line, to raise money? So that we can support our Republican candidates and, especially now, end the reign of tyrannical liberals who are hell bent on destroying our personal liberty.
Even if you didn’t support our “Shoot Out” there are still things that you can do. Choose a candidate or two, and get involved in their campaign. Get your friends and neighbors involved, volunteer at the Westside Victory Center. Most importantly, VOTE.
Early voting for this election runs every day from October 20th until October 31st. Be sure to vote all the way down the ballot – remember that “down ballot” does not mean “unimportant” or “lesser”… every one of the races on the ballot has a critical role to play in our democracy.
Better yet, vote straight ticket. There may be some Republicans on the ballot that don’t sit well with you, but as people smarter than me have said: if you don’t vote for the “R” you’ll end up with a “D” that you really don’t like.
Grab your family, your friends and your neighbors and get them to the polls. Encourage them to vote a straight Republican ticket… tell them that it’s faster and smarter.
Election day is November 4th. Let’s use it to make a difference for our cities, our county and our country.