November Meeting – Salute to Veterans
Please invite any Veteran you know to be a guest at our lunch
We would like to personally thank them!
Freedom is not Free, and we have so much to be thankful for because of the sacrifices of our military men and women. Join VRW as we honor our Veterans at this month’s meeting. Our speaker will be Col Gerald L. Smith, Director of the Texas A&M University Veteran Resource and Support Center.
Colonel Jerry Smith graduated from Texas A&M with a BA in Political Science and was commissioned as a 2nd Lt in the US Marine Corps in 1982. During 30 years of service as an Artillery Officer, he held 6 command tours with 2 combat tours (Iraq 2003 & Afghanistan 2007). Other military assignments included 8 years in higher education: 3 years as the Marine Instructor at Rice and Prairie View A&M; 1 year instructing at the USMC Command & Staff College; and 4 years as the Texas A&M University Professor of Naval Science from 2008-2012. He has 3 Master’s Degrees:
- MA in International Studies – Troy State – 1988
- MS in Military Studies – USMC Command & Staff College – 1997
- MS in Strategic Studies – National War College – 2005
Since 2012, Col. Smith has been the Director of the TAMU Veteran Resource & Support Center.
The Colonel will be discussing the transition our veterans must make when they return home and the support system that is available to help them.
~ Kathaleen Wall, Programs