May 2013 Newsletter
Last month I mentioned the “Turn Texas Blue” campaign that the Democrats have begun. They have sent 250 out-of-state-aliens to invade our County. But Beverly Roberts shared a blog with me that is so positive I have to pass it along! Republican House members raised more than 17 times as much campaign contributions from the greater Houston area as Democrats. Federal Elections Commission reports show that Republicans raised nearly $387,000 from the Houston area during January to March period. Democrats raised a little over $22,000 during the same period.
Across the state, other discrepancies marked the partisan divide. Democrats reported zero fundraising in the Panhandle, the High Plains, and the Deep East Texas. The only region where Democrats enjoyed a fundraising advantage was the border area. Republicans were all but shut out here with the exception of El Paso. Republicans raised $9,500 in that region compared to Democrats $197,000. The strongest metropolis area for both parties was the Dallas-Ft. Worth area. Republicans raised almost $801,000 and Democrats more than $138,000.
We may be taking time out for a summer breather, but we must regroup in September and hit the campaign trail hard! The Mayor and City Council elections will be in March 2014 and mid- term elections right behind them.
We have a number of new projects planned for the rest of the year. Our focus will be on Hispanic and Minority Outreach…or “Gringo-Inreach”. VRW members will be playing a larger role in local community events and elections. We will have our annual Summer Soiree, A girls day out at the shooting range and lunch, a family picnic specifically geared to young children, a booth at the Citizens swearing in ceremonies, and a Gala extravaganza…not to be missed! Don’t miss the May meeting …”we got a whole lot of shakin’ goin on! “