March Meeting – Importance of Republican Women


Join Village Republican Women at our annual membership meeting on March 28. Both State Representative Jim Murphy and former State Representative Patricia Harless will speak about the importance of Republican women, why joining Village Republican Women is important, and how hard the Democrats are fighting to turn Texas blue.

patricia harlessThe Honorable Patricia Harless is a fourth generation Texan and native Houstonian with deep roots in the community as a small business and civic leader. In 2006, Patricia was elected to the Texas House of Representatives (HD-126) and served five terms, retiring in January 2017. She served on the Transportation, Calendar, State Affairs, and Licensing committees, as well as the chair of Environmental Regulations Committee. Harless served as a board member of the Texas Motor Vehicle Board (1998-2005), being appointed by both Governor George W. Bush and Governor Rick Perry.

Jim MurphyState Representative Jim Murphy was raised in and represents HD-133 in west Houston. Along with Representative Harless, Murphy was first elected to the Texas House of Representatives in 2006. He currently serves as Chairman of the House Committee on Special Purpose Districts and is a member of the Ways & Means Committee. Murphy also serves as Floor Leader for the House Republican Caucus. He has been recognized for his work by numerous pro-business and pro-taxpayer groups as an effective advocate for reducing burdensome regulations and improving workforce development programs.

~ Deanna Harrington, Programs


Events & Meetings

VRW September 2024 Monthly Meeting

September 25
Houston 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m Houston Racquet Club More Info