January Meeting – The RNC and the Trump Presidency


Dr. Robin ArmstrongRobin Armstrong was elected as the National Committeeman from Texas in June of 2012.  He is a politician and physician who served as vice chairman of the Republican Party of Texas from 2006-2010.  Dr. Armstrong has a B.S. in microbiology from Texas A&M University and an M.D. from the University of Texas Medical Branch in Galveston. He did his residency in internal medicine and is on the staff of the  Mainland Medical Center in Texas City, TX.

Dr. Armstrong has been active in both politics and his community. He has traveled on missionary journeys to Africa and Nicaragua and worked in inner city and youth ministries in addition to leading a men’s Bible study group. His activities in grassroots Republican politics include serving as a city chair, an election judge, a precinct chair, a poll watcher, a convention delegate, a Senatorial District Convention chairman, the State Republican Executive committeeman for Texas Senate District 11 and most recently, the Vice Chairman of the Republican Party of Texas.

Dr. Armstrong and his wife Martha, who is also a medical doctor, have four sons, Daniel, Gabriel, Joshua and Noah.

~ Deanna Harrington, Programs


Events & Meetings

VRW September 2024 Monthly Meeting

September 25
Houston 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m Houston Racquet Club More Info