January Meeting – Paul Simpson & Alan Vera


Village Republican Women are pleased to welcome to our first meeting of 2017, Paul Simpson, Harris County Republican Party Chair and Alan Vera, Chairman of the Ballot Security Committee, Harris County Republican Party. Paul will be discussing Winning in 2018 and Alan’s topic is Insuring Election Integrity.

Paul SimpsonPaul Simpson is serving his second term as Harris County Republican Party Chair.  His activities in Harris County Republican politics for over thirty years have included campaigning, recruiting, mobilizing, organizing, poll watching, election judging, conventioneering and fundraising.  Paul also served for twenty years as a Republican precinct chair, during which he was also district chair, legal counsel, and treasurer. Paul is a lifelong Republican.  He was State Chairman of the Louisiana Teenage Republicans and mobilized young people for Conservative Republican campaigns in college.  He is a partner with the law firm of McGinnis Lochridge, a practice centered on oil and gas matters.



Alan VeraAlan Vera has been elected Chairman of the Ballot Security Committee, Harris County Republican Party since 2014.  He is one of the original founders of True the Vote, a grassroots effort to restore integrity to U.S. elections.  He has written many state specific election observer curriculum, trained many thousands of observers and supervised in over twenty states.   He wrote the election observer curriculum for Wisconsin in 2012 and trained over 1,000 observers for the recall election of Governor Scott Walker – in person, online, and via video conference. Alan is President of Quest Business Agency with responsibility for all marketing strategies and clients.

~ Kathaleen Wall, Programs


Events & Meetings

VRW September 2024 Monthly Meeting

September 25
Houston 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m Houston Racquet Club More Info