January 2015 Newsletter
We have said farewell to 2014- and what a year it was. We saw Republicans take the Senate for a complete Congressional majority for the first time in 20 years. Perhaps we may now take some comfort that in 2015 some level of sanity will be visited upon the halls of Congress.
Let us hope that 2015 lives up to potential for real change in Washington.
In 2014 we also elected a new HCRP Chair with the hope that Paul Simpson would bring a new sense of integrity to the way things are done in Harris County. A part of me, deep down in the further recesses of my soul, still wants to believe that kind of change is possible – my desire to be involved may hinge on it, but last month may have proved that politics in Harris County will never change.
HCRP exists for the sole purpose of supporting and electing Republican candidates at all levels of partisan elections. What HCRP should never do, but often occurred under the former regime, is get in the middle of elections between two Republicans. To sort out the differences and judge the best candidate is, unequivocally, the sole purview of those entrusted with the vote.
Last month the Executive Committee voted to endorse a candidate in the Texas Speaker’s race – a race that is between two Republicans. Really??? That is what they think is a good use of time and resources? No matter which candidate you personally support, it is NOT the job of HCRP to become involved in races between Republicans.
Shame on the HCRP Executive Committee for believing that they have the ability or the obligation to publicly pronounce one Republican better or more worthy than another. Under any circumstance.
Shame on the leadership of HCRP for allowing that to happen.
If, as individuals, people would like to express their opinion on the subject then I encourage them to do so. The appropriate place for that expression is with your elected Representative- the person entrusted with the vote in this matter.
It is my fondest wish that HCRP evolves into the effective Republican supporting machine that it could be and that I can support. But unless this kind of nonsense ends, they will be working without me.
But I cannot allow this column to end without a huge thank you to Don Carlson who brought the Capital Ornaments that were given away at our Christmas party, to Representative Dwayne Bohac for the wonderful Capital Bible which was auctioned and to Paul and Iris Horton for their generous donation to “America’s Moms for Soldiers”. Huge thanks is due to Nancy Scott for her work in putting the annual Christmas party together and to Buffie and Gary Ingersoll for opening their beautiful home and hosting our event.
We have the best people – anywhere – at Village RW. I feel blessed to work with such outstanding people.