February Meeting – RPT Chairman Candidate Forum


RPT Chairman Candidate ForumVillage Republican Women is pleased to announce a Candidate Forum for Chairman of the Republican Party of Texas to be held during our regular meeting on February 25, 2015.

The candidates are:


Jared Woodfill, Former Harris Co Chairman

Jared Woodfill served as Harris County Republican Chairman from 2002-2014. He led Harris County GOP to win four countywide electoral sweeps and in 2010, the best election cycle in party history. During his tenure he raised over $20 million for the Harris County Republican Party.

Tom Mechler, RPT Treasurer

Tom Mechler currently serves as Treasurer of the Republican Party of Texas. He was appointed by Chairman Steve Munisteri in Septemer 2010. Tom is President of Manna Services, Inc. and provides consulting services to independent oil and gas producers in the Texas Panhandle.

Wade Emmert, Dallas County Chairman

Wade Emmert was elected Chairman of the Dallas County Republican Party, the second largest county in Texas in May 2011. Wade made a commitment to restoring the Republican Party to prominence in Dallas County.

~ Joanie Bain, Programs


Events & Meetings

VRW Meeting – February 26, 2025

February 26
Houston 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m Houston Racquet Club More Info

VRW Meeting – March 26, 2025

March 26
Houston 11:00-1:00 Houston Racquet Club More Info