February 2019 Newsletter
At our January meeting last week, our speakers, Kevin Shuvalov and Alan Vera gave us insight into the Midterm Election with the demographics of the voters who exceeded our expectations in this election. We also learned about the tremendous voter fraud sweeping through our state causing problems for every election. I hope we all learned that we ‘have’ to hang in there but change how we are working in the campaigns and put first on our agenda to REGISTER MORE VOTERS in diverse areas just like the Democrats are doing. Another activity we need to be doing is looking for our best people to run for offices and put us back in the majority in Texas. If we don’t, I hate to think what we have to look forward to in our country; Venezuela comes to mind.
On Wednesday evening, February 6, at 6:00p.m. at Trini Mendenhall Center there is a meeting that Alan Vera told us about. This is just one of many of these Community Meetings held by the new District Clerk, Diane Trautman on how she plans to change Harris County to a Countywide Voting Center. All you Election Judges can use your imagination to see how this would go, not to mention the fraud that would be prevalent. Please attend with me to voice our disagreement with this process. Republicans are not turning out for these meetings and that is hurting us. She has an active agenda and is pushing this through if we don’t stop it. Think ahead to 2020’s election and how it would affect our presidential election if we don’t.
Human Trafficking is a topic everyone tries to avoid but folks it is here with us in huge numbers. Our next meeting features Retired Congressman Ted Poe who will be speaking on this subject. We may not know it but probably there are a number of people we see everyday who are swept up in this tragedy. Let’s ask him what we can each do to expose it and wipe it out.
Nuts N’ Bolts is coming up February 19 at Trini Mendenhall Center. Every year Greater Houston Council presents this workshop for every member of the Republican Women’s Clubs. The cost is only $20 to cover lunch, just rsvp on the form in this NL and come learn from others who have been ‘there’.