Brad Bailey to Speak at January Meeting


Brad BaileyBrad Bailey, founder and CEO of “The Hard Work/Clean Hands Initiative”, is a small business owner who found himself on the front lines of the illegal immigration debate and decided to get involved in finding answers.

His result is known as The Texas Solution, a conservative, market-based approach to fixing our broken immigration system.

On June 8, 2012, delegates of the Republican Party of Texas adopted The Texas Solution as its new immigration platform. And since the election results of November, there has been more national attention paid to the proposal.

The platform’s approach to the problem of illegal immigration is a comprehensive one. Its major proposals are to secure our borders immediately, modernize the U.S. Social Security card, clarify birthright citizenship and create an effective and efficient temporary worker program.

Brad grew up in Nassau Bay, Texas; attended Clear Creek High School and graduated from Kilgore College and the University of Mississippi with a major in Marketing and Finance.

For many years, Brad has been active in influencing legislation for the restaurant industry on behalf of his family’s restaurant businesses.

So, please come and hear from a conservative Texan who is doing the hard work of finding remedies for the failures of our current immigration system. The future of the Republican Party, especially here in Texas, may very well rest on how we address this most difficult issue.
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Events & Meetings

VRW January Meeting 2025

January 22
Houston 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m Houston Racquet Club More Info