August Meeting – Jeffrey F. Addicott


Jeffrey AddicottAlthough our President has stated that global warming is the greatest threat to our country, we believe Radical Islam is the number one threat to the United States.  On August 24, Lt. Colonel (U.S. Army, ret.) Jeffrey F. Addicott will speak on Fifteenth Anniversary of 9/11 – Learning the Lessons.

He is a full Professor of Law and the Director of the Center for Terrorism Law at St. Mary’s University School of Law.  Addicott was senior legal advisor for the United States Army’s Special Forces.  As an internationally recognized authority on national security and terrorism law, he not only lectures and participate in professional and academic organizations both in the United States and abroad (over 800 speeches), but he also testifies before Congress.

Addicott is a regular contributor to national and international news media outlets (over 4,500 media interviews).  He is a prolific author, publishing over 60 books, articles and monographs.  His most recent book (2016) is entitled: Radical Islam Why: Confronting Jihad at Home & Abroad.  The purpose of this book is to explore fully the nature of the enemy forces arrayed against us so that we can find better ways to confront them.  You may purchase his signed book for $40 after the meeting.

~ Kathaleen Wall, Programs








Events & Meetings

VRW Meeting – February 26, 2025

February 26
Houston 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m Houston Racquet Club More Info

VRW Meeting – March 26, 2025

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Houston 11:00-1:00 Houston Racquet Club More Info