Village Republican Women is blessed with a strong and vibrant board to lead the club. Please let us know if you want to be involved in the political process to further Republican principles.

Joanie Bain


[email protected]

Deanna Harrington

1st VP, Programs

[email protected]

Michelle Heinz

2nd VP, Membership

[email protected]

Susan Mathews

3rd VP, Ways & Means

Jaime Garcia-Carollo

4th VP Political Campaign Activities

[email protected]

Mary Sue Patronella

Recording Secretary

[email protected]

Renata DeMoes

Treasurer & PAC Treasurer

[email protected]

Jessica Colon

Corresponding Secretary

Lindsey Hughes

Social Media

Deborah Stewart


[email protected]

Beverly Roberts


[email protected]


Fran Marintsch

Parliamentarian / Sergeant at Arms

Jennifer Lamb

Caring For America

Ginger Howell


Beverly Roberts


Sonia Rivera

Website and Newsletter

[email protected]

Penny Remick


Eleanor White

Courtesy  Chair

Julie Jaehne

Immediate Past President

Events & Meetings

VRW Meeting – March 26, 2025

March 26
Houston 11:00-1:00 Houston Racquet Club More Info

VRW Celebration of America

May 17
Houston 6:00 - 10:00 PM Ballroom at Tanglewood More Info