I don’t see where the lunch options are for the meeting.
If there are lunch choices, they will be listed in the meeting announcement (newsletter & email broadcast) and on the RSVP form.
Are husbands welcome at the meetings?
We are happy to have husbands attend as guests and they are always welcome at the Christmas Party.
What other meetings/events/functions may I participate in as a member?
Our annual Christmas Party, meetings of the Greater Houston Council of Federated Republican Women, a biennial club fundraiser, the biennial Texas Federation of Republican Women’s Legislative Day in Austin, Candidate Forums, the biennial Texas Federation of Republican Women’s Tribute to Women Luncheon and more. We also have community outreach projects needing energetic volunteers. We even occasionally sponsor field trips to places of interest to our members.
Whom do you invite to speak at the meetings?
Usually elected officials speak at our general meetings. Sometimes others who are involved in the civic or political arenas may be speakers, as well.
What is the cost to attend monthly meetings?
The cost to attend a meeting which includes lunch is $30. Click Here to RSVP.
Do you serve food at the meetings?
Lunch is provided at each meeting. You may RSVP and pay online or pay by cash at the meeting. As we are charged by the venue for all reservations, you will still need to pay if you RSVP and can’t attend.